Vox medii aevi is an academic journal devoted to the Middle Ages and medieval studies. We intend to create an integrated informational space for discussions among the scholars who are interested in diverse aspects of medieval history. We see our task in the development of the modern methods of historical research insofar as they are applied to the European, Byzantine, and Russian Middle Ages.
We offer a new understanding of an academic journal. While observing the principles of scholarship, accessibility, and transparency of information, we provide a publication opportunity to every researcher regardless of their age and academic status.
Vox medii aevi is a fully independent project, hence, it has no institutional limits. The Editorial Board and editorial stuff consist of people affiliated with diverse academic organizations. The editors permanently stay in contact with the authors in order to improve the quality of the publications.
The journal contains research articles and reviews in Russian and English languages, translations of primary sources as well as articles in other languages, and reports of the most significant events in the world of medieval studies. Each issue is devoted to a particular aspect of the Middle Ages and we offer the scholars to participate in a discussion of a certain problem. Nevertheless each issue includes a number of papers concerning other topics. The journal is issued two times a year.
The high academic level of the publications is maintained through double-blind peer reviews of all papers by the members of Editorial Board as well as other acknowledged researches and specialists. Our policy involves the publication of up-to-date, original, and high-quality works regardless of the status of their authors.
The editorial stuff takes care that all published materials correspond the highest academic standards and are written in vivid and literary language.
Digital format of the journal gives an opportunity for academic interactions of the scholars from all over the world and simplifies the communication of the authors and the readers. Furthermore, it does not limit the size of the papers as well as allows using a lot of illustrative material and frequently applying to digital sources and publications.
The journal’s policy is based upon the principles of accessibility and transparency of information, accordingly, all articles are accepted and published free of charge. All published material are redistributed in accordance with the license Creative Commons | Attribution-NoDerivatives (this allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in its entirety, with attribution). Copyright remains in full with the authors.
The papers published in the journal are indexed in Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory and Russian Science Citation Index, and put online in the digital library Cyberleninka which exports them to the international academic data bases Google Scholar, WorldCat, ROAR, BASE, OpenAIRE, EBSCO A-to-Z etc.