> Download: Guidelines for Submitting and Formatting of Manuscripts for Vox medii aevi (version from August 10, 2020)
The present guidelines correspond with the specifics of the journal Vox medii aevi and the order of the editorial process.
I. General information
1. The manuscripts submitted for the publication must contain original and previously unpublished research results in history or allied areas.
2. Besides the articles the Editorial Board considers the publications of original sources, the translations of original sources and articles written in foreign languages.
3. Articles written in Russian and English are accepted.
4. Contributors are asked to submit their materials by email to voxmediiaevi@gmail.com.
5. The author is fully responsible for the selection and accuracy of all facts, quotations, and names and guarantees that the publication of all copyrighted materials is properly permitted.
6. The text should be edited by the author. All quotations should be checked with the originals and all proper references must be provided.
7. All papers should be written in vivid and literary language.
8. All papers are checked for plagiarism.
9. Manuscripts should be between 6,000 and 10,000 words.
10. Reviews are not considered without a preliminary approval. The choice of a reviewed book should be discussed with the Editorial Board.
11. The publication of all materials is free of charge. The Authors are not paid for the publication of their article.
12. All published material are redistributed in accordance with the license Creative Commons | Attribution-NoDerivatives (this allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in its entirety, with attribution). Copyright remains in full with the authors.
13. The Editorial Board has the right to select the submitted materials and to reject those which do not meet the requirements as well as the remit of the journal.
II. Review Process
1. All submitted papers are evaluated on the principle of double-blind peer review.
2. All papers are reviewed by the members of Editorial Board as well as independent specialists within two months. The reviewer can render one of the following verdicts:
- the paper can be published without alterations;
- the paper can be published after certain minor alterations;
- the paper can be published after a major improvement and the second reviewing;
- the paper cannot be published.
3. The author should improve the article in accordance with the recommendations of the reader and the editors within one month after the message about the necessity of alterations is sent.
4. The ultimate decision about the publication is made by the managing editor.
III. Formatting Guidelines
III.1. Technical Requirements
1. All materials are accepted in digital format only.
2. The file should be named: Author’s name. Article title.
3. The text should be provided in Microsoft Word text format (.doc or .docx). A .pdf is accepted in case the manuscript has complicated components or specific fonts are used.
4. All materials except for pictures and schemes should be sent in the same file.
5. The order of materials (on the formatting of supplementary materials see section 4):
- personal information in English;
- abstract;
- keywords (listed in alphabetical order);
- title of the article;
- the article itself;
- abbreviations;
- list of primary and secondary sources;
- list of captions for illustrations;
- supplementary list of electronic resources.
6. Formatting requirements for body text: font Times New Roman, font size 12, justified text, line spacing 1.5, paragraph spacing 0.
7. Formatting requirements for footnotes: font Times New Roman, font size 10, justified text, line spacing 1, paragraph spacing 0, one space between the number of a footnote and its text, full point at the end.
8. Quotations in English should be within single quotation marks. When quoting within quotations, please use double quotes. Quotations in languages other than English should be written in italics, with no quotation marks.
9. Syllabification is not permitted.
10. Any other formatting must not be applied to the text.
III.2. Footnotes Formatting
Concerning digital format of the journal and the specific features of the mock-up the following is applied to the footnotes:
1. Articles should have footnotes formatted in accordance with the Appendix 1.
2. All notes will be put in the margins alongside of the body text, hence, the references to digital sources of all kinds are highly welcome.
3. The paper must contain a numbered list of all primary and secondary sources in alphabetical order (first Cyrillic, than Latin). The list must be placed at the end of the text (see Appendix 2).
4. All relevant digital sources must be included in a special list at the end of the text.
5. All references to unpublished primary sources should contain the full name of an archive or a library.
III.3. Illustration Formatting
1. The usage of pictures, maps, schemes etc. is welcome.
2. We strongly urge not to insert the pictures in the text. Supply figures and plates as separate files (size of the file must be no less than 300 KB) in one of the following formats (.tiff, .jpeg, .bmp, or .png), with their position within the text clearly indicated on the page where they are introduced.
3. The picture must have no extraneous inscriptions, watermarks, filming dates etc.
4. Each illustration must be numbered. All illustrations must be listed at the end of the text, with the references to their authors or sources.
5. The publication of the images must not violate any copyrights. The author must provide a proper permission for the publication of each copyrighted image.
6. The same rules are applied to graphs and diagrams.
III.4. Supplementary Materials
1. Each paper should contain personal information of the author, abstract and keywords.
2. Personal information should include:
- full name;
- information about author’s degree or academical status;
- information about author’s professional status and employment;
- contact information (required: email; optional: Academia.edu, ResearchGate and social networks profiles); the email and the social networks profiles are intended for publication (with approval of the author).
3. An abstract is a short summary of an article which presents its content to the reader. The abstract should contain the research problem statement, the account of the subject being analyzed, the description of the research methods, and the main conclusions.
4. Recommended length of an abstract in English is 500 words. It must contain the title of the article in English.
5. Each paper should include keywords (no more than seven) which reflect its content. Keywords should be listed in alphabetical order and separated by semi-colons (“;”).
Appendix 1. Guidelines for References
All references should be formatted in accordance with ГОСТ Р 7.0.5—2008 (art. 6, 10,11).
Footnotes examples:
1. Book:
— Прокопьев А. Ю. Германия в эпоху религиозного раскола 1555–1648. СПб., 2002. С. 17.
— Zumthor P. Parler du Moyen Age. Paris: Minuit, 1980.
2. Journal article:
— Utz R. Coming to Terms with Medievalism // European Journal of English Studies. 2011. №15. P. 101–113.
3. Book chapter*:
— Паламарчук А. А. Имперская идея английской монархии: осмысление властных традиций лондонскими антиквариями начала XVII века // Власть, общество и человек в средневековой Европе / под ред. Н. А. Хачатурян. М., 2007. С. 519–527.
— Glaser S. A. Frozen Music and Symphonies in Stone: Gothic Architecture and the Musical Analogy from the Enlightenment through the Fin-deSiècle // The Idea of the Gothic Cathedral: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Meanings of the Medieval Edifice in the Modern Period / ed. S. Glaser. Turnhout: Brepols, 2018. P. 262–312.
* The information about the editor of the book in footnotes is recommended but not required.
4. Published primary source:
Constitutio Domus Regis // Dialogus de Scaccario and Constitutio Domus Regis / ed. by C. Johnson. Edinburg, 1950. P. 128‒135.
5. Unpublished primary source:
— Боднарский Б. С. Письма Б. С. Боднарского Д. Д. Шамраю, 1950-е гг. // ОР РНБ. Ф. 1105 (Д. Д. Шамрай). Ед. хр. 258. Л. 1–27.
— ОР РНБ. Ф. 316, Д. 161, Л. 1.
6. Digital resource:
— Иванов И. И. Свободная Польша. URL: http://www.polonia.pl/123/12.htm (accessed September 12, 2015).
— Šafhauser R., Fojčíková Z. Mariánský sloup uráží náboženské cítění, respektujme to, říká Stropnický // iDNES.cz. 24.6.2019. URL: http://www.idnes.cz/praha/zpravy/mariansky-sloup-obnovarozstrel-debata-priznivci-odpurci.A190623_231123_praha-zpravy_zuf (accessed September 28, 2019).
Additional Comments:
— The name of the author is printed in italics.
— The en dash should be used within numbers (1992–1994; с. 332–333), the em dash should be placed between the words.
— The first reference to a source should contain its full description while the subsequent references should be made in short-title form.
1 Bartlett R. Why Can the Dead Do Such Great Things? Saints and Worshippers from the Martyrs to the Reformation. Princeton; Oxford, 2013. P. 135.
2 Bartlett R. Why Can the Dead… P. 521.
— The names of places of publication (if more than one) should be separated with semi-colons. Following abbreviations are accepted: Ленинград (Л.), Москва (М.), Санкт-Петербург (СПб.); London (L.), Paris (P.), Roma (R.).
— The year of a journal publication should be placed before the numbers of a volume and/or an issue.
Appendix 2. Guidelines for the Bibliographical Lists
The first list at the end of the article should contain all primary sources and the second one should contain all secondary sources cited in the article (both in alphabetical order).
Each bibliographical description should contain (if applicable):
- Last name and initials of the author (in italics);
- Place of publication (no abbreviations): [colon] Publishers, year of publication;
- Quantity of pages for books, page numbers for articles;
- Series (in brackets);
- Editor(s) of collected articles and source publications;
- Translator(s) of translated articles and sources.
1. Published primary source:
Constitutio Domus Regis // Dialogus de Scaccario and Constitutio Domus Regis / ed. by C. Johnson. Edinburg, 1950. P. 128‒135.
2. Unpublished primary source; manuscript:
Manuscripts should be described as follows: city, library, manuscript id, folio/page, line (if necessary).
— Санкт-Петербург, РНБ, Q.v. I. lat. 15, fol. 1v.
— Санкт-Петербург, ОР РНБ, Ф. 316, Д. 161, Л. 1, С. 4.
— Paris, BnF, Ms lat. 11587, fol. 3r, l. 15.
Following abbreviations are accepted:
- BAV – Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana [Città di Vaticano];
- BL – British Library [London];
- BnF – Bibliothèque national de France [Paris];
- HAB – Herzog-August Bibliothek [Wolfenbüttel];
- SPK – Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz [Berlin];
- РГБ – Российская государственная библиотека [Москва; RSL, Russian State Library, RSL, Moscow;
- РНБ, Российская национальная библиотека [Санкт-Петербург; RNL, Russian National Library, former State Public Library named after Saltykov-Shchedrin].
BM – Bibliothèque municipale; UB – Universitätsbibliothek.
3. Book:
— Coss P. Lordship, Knighthood and Locality. A Study in English Society, c. 1180‒1280. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
— Treadgold W. The nature of Bibliotheca of Photius Harvard: Trustees for Harvard University, 1980. (Dumbarton Oak Studies. Vol. 18).
— Винокурова М. В. Мир английского манора (на материалах земельных описей графств Ланкашир и Уилтшир второй половины XVI – первой трети XVII вв.). Москва: Наука, 2004.
4. Journal article:
— Coss P. Bastard Feudalism Revised // Past and Present. 1989. Vol. 125. P. 27‒64.
— Treadgold W. The Bride-Shows // Byzantion. 1979. Vol. 49. P. 395–413.
5. Book chapter:
— Бакалдина Е. В. Департаменты, службы и должности в хаусхолде Эдуарда IV // Королевский двор в Англии XV–XVII вв. / под ред. С. Е. Федорова. Санкт-Петербург: Издательский дом Санкт-Петербургского университета, 2011. С. 47‒109.
– Scala E. The Gender of Historicism // The Post-Historical Middle Ages / ed. by E. Scala, S. Federico. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. P. 191–214.
Appendix 3. English Equivalents for Russian Academic Degrees
- Аспирант — Post-Graduate Student;
- Кандидат/доктор (исторических) наук — Candidate/ Doctor of Sciences (History/Philology etc).
- Научный сотрудник — Research Fellow;
- Младший/старший/ведущий научный сотрудник — Junior/Senior/Leading Research Fellow;
- Лаборант — Assistant;
- Стажер-исследователь — Graduate Research Trainee;
- Ассистент — Assistant Lecturer;
- Старший преподаватель — Senior Lecturer;
- Доцент — Associate Professor;
- Профессор — Professor;
- Член-корреспондент РАН — Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Science;
- Академик РАН — Member of Russian Academy of Science.